Integration and Equity in Denver Public Schools 50 Years After Keyes
Thank you to everyone who joined us! You can find resources mentioned at the event on our resources page.
You can watch a recording of the event here!
PHNEE is a group of engaged parents and community members working to ensure that all students attending our neighborhood’s elementary schools get a quality education. We partner with Park Hill Collective Impact, whose mission is to ensure that every single young person in Park Hill is provided the support needed to thrive academically, socially, emotionally, and economically from birth through age 25.
Our unified, engaged, and inclusive community is empowered to drive positive change in Park Hill’s elementary schools to ensure all of our children have access to an equitable education and opportunities to thrive.

Inspired by Park Hill’s legacy of social justice activism, we commit to engage our community in leading the way towards improved equity in our neighborhood elementary schools by building awareness, sharing experiences, and shifting policy.
Awareness Building
We raise awareness in the Park Hill neighborhood and within Denver Public Schools about issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in Park Hill’s elementary schools.
Policy Changes
We engage the community to develop an understanding of the impact of district policies on equity in our schools and propose possible solutions to existing inequities.
Shared Experiences
We design and implement shared experiences across all of our elementary schools so that students can know one another and learn together as a community. We solicit financial support for these experiences and to meet identified needs of each school.