Stedman Elementary, at 29th and Dexter, was built in 1923 and named for Dr. Arnold Stedman (1839-1913) a president of the Denver School Board who also co-founded the Medical Department of the University of Denver and was its first Professor of Obstetrics. Before moving to Denver, he served in the Union Army in the Civil War. Major alterations and additions to Stedman occurred in 1929, 1950, and 1966.
Today, Stedman describes itself this way:
- We are a diverse and committed community, seeking the personal success and academic growth of every student.
- We are a dedicated and loving community, supporting and caring for each other far beyond the classroom.
- We are a growing and joyful community, enjoying new opportunities, classmates, neighbors, and friends.
- We are an eager and knowledge-hungry community, continuing to improve our academic achievement and celebrating our GREEN designation for academic growth!
- We are Stedman. A community growing together.